ATPL Air Law is all about knowing where to find the right information and how to interpret it. With a required pass mark of 80%, it is crucial to learn this subject correctly—especially if you are not constantly buried in the books. Our course simplifies the process, guiding you step by step to build confidence and ensure you are exam-ready.
Instructor-Led, Self-Paced Learning
Study on your schedule with clear, practical guidance from experienced instructors. We focus on teaching you where to find and how to interpret the information you need to succeed.
Guided by Industry Experts
Simplified, Structured Materials
Comprehensive Practice Focus
Clear and Accessible Materials
Passing the ATPL Air Law Exam
Your journey begins with instant access to the course and a digital textbook emailed straight to you, providing clear explanations and practical examples to simplify complex laws. You will learn how the law is designed and master tricky topics like pilot currency using flowcharts, as well as identifying the correct parts of CAO 48.1 when questions are unclear.
The core of your preparation is our massive bank of practice questions and five full-length practice exams, designed to mirror the real thing. These tools give you the opportunity to repeatedly practice finding and interpreting laws, sharpening your speed, accuracy, and confidence.
By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge, skills, and exam readiness needed to confidently pass the ATPL Air Law Exam.